About “Labas, Lietuva!“

“Labas, Lietuva!“ is web log about religious, politics, technology, music and actualities of life. Idea to create this web log has been derived from USA literator Peteris Ciedrins, currently residing in Latvia. Peteris Ciedrins is former Latvian President speech writer and my pen pal in USENET groups. Before, this web log were named “Andrius´ Blog“ and I did not know what to do with it. Later it were renamed to “Labas, Lietuva!“. A name derived from first program “Hello, world!“ name. Web log has grow rapidly, it were filled with inner reflections, ideas, also were put some inserts from letters to pen pals. Some space were used for the memories about past. Were made some complaints by regarded “Labas, Lietuva!“ content to The State General Prosecutor, to members of Parliament, the last ones — complained to The State Security Department. I received invitation for inquests to Police. The last ones asked support to The Journalists And Editors Ethics Commission for a review of “Labas, Lietuva!“ content, perhaps, for the reason that Police itself Lithuanian language understands not well. The Commission granted “Everything is OK“. Some time later, member of Parliament Vytautas Grubliauskas a big noise has made about “Labas, Lietuva!“ and The State Security Department has been asked to take part as well. So, slowly, thanks to third parties, were made an image of “Labas, Lietuva!“, which started to oblige me. After that “Labas, Lietuva!“ changed a hosting place from Blogspot to WordPress and note of remembrance were left about attention received from Vytautas Grubliauskas, Chairman of Committee of the Development of Information Society in Parliament of Lithuania.

All this content were made due nothing what to do and nothing else. I do not think, that this web log is a good thing or not. Reason of “gilt“ lies not onto me, but, rather on the environment, which is observing by me. So, I would not like to receive a complaints regarding “Labas, Lietuva!“.

Some bit about me

My name is Andrius. I has born in the most happy country of the world–Soviet Lithuania. In the childhood has walk to the school, As a small pupils, I were invited to join to Octoberkids. Happy time. Later, I was invited to Pioneers. To join to Comsomol have not been a time, as Russian idiots spoiled all business in building of USSR. Being teenager most of time were spent in Vilnius Central Park Vingis between people like me in Vilnius Ecotechincs Club. Then Perestroika has begin with all it’s nonsenses. I was lucky to went into decent State of Central Asia were base of humanity were received. There, some years were spend together with parents of my wife. It were successful time of life in all aspects. Later, I came to Lithuania, where due changes in social and political life, came disappointments in physical and spiritual spheres. I should left Lithuania at 2004. Since then I’m in Dublin.


  1. Posted 27 kovo, 2011 at 16:14 | Permalink | Atsakyti

    iki šiol tos “most happy country of the world-Soviet Lithuania“ begalė žmonių nekenčia, idiotiškas valdymas, rusų priespauda, minties cenzūra ir skurdas, daug nužudytų partizanų ir pan. Daug politinių kalinių, tremtinių ir emigrantų. Tiesiog “pasakų“ šalis… Tau tikrai su galva negerai.

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